Riches and Glory: A Parallel of Job and Jesus
Riches and Glory: A Parallel of Job and Jesus (Photo credit: Realistic Imaginations)


“A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponent dazed and confused.” –Nigel Short

Imagine the worst day you have ever had, now recall one of your best.
Reflect on when you were the smartest in your class, now relive the way your stomach sank when told you didn’t pass.
Take a deep breath of the air you need to survive , pause and exhale.
In that moment you experience the feeling of greatness become your worst nightmare.
Chances are we don’t record our actions daily, but wouldn’t anyway because we are all a bit lazy.

God, however, already has all our records even the ones we think we have hidden.
He has seen all our sunrises and every dark night we’ve sat up in.
He has done it all first, right here in the flesh.
He freely gave away the things that make us so selfish.
In the flesh means just as we are,
The emotions, the temptations, the wanting to give up and just run somewhere fast somewhere far.
The ugly people we choose to be left Him without a choice. Not one.
He was laughed at by such people while He willingly hung.
God went through it so we can get to it.
Our lives are tough because we were the ones who blew it.
By grace He mirrored our struggle so we weren’t alone in our pain.
He left a journal so we could read about the sunshine that follows the rain.
All we are is what He knew we would be,
The author became a character in His
Book so we could too could be in the story.
Next time you sip on fine wine or are dying of thirst,
Pause and remember that God Himself experienced both first.

Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

1 Timothy 3:16

Inspired by the lyrics of In The Flesh by Christian Artist Charismatik. For more inspiration and information about the band click HERE



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